
How to Know Jesus



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Rev. George H. D. Reader

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Bible Dictionaries

  • Easton's Bible Dictionary - Easton’s Bible Dictionary was  authored by Matthew George Easton (1823-1894).
  • Smith's Bible Dictionary - Over 4,500 subjects and proper  names are defined and analyzed with corresponding Scripture references. "Smith's  Bible Dictionary" has been used by students of the Bible since it's introduction  in the 1860's. A trustworthy classic that is more than just a dictionary  defining thousands of biblical words.
  • Hitchcock's Bible Names - This dictionary is from "Hitchcock's  New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible," written by Roswell D. Hitchcock in  1869. It contains more than 2,500 Bible and Bible-related proper names and their  meanings.
  • Scripture Alphabet of Animals - Here is a short study on  thirty-three animals mentioned in the Bible. Some of the animals have alternate  names as we know them today.


Writings From the  Past

  • The Works of Flavius Josephus - The complete works of the  famous Jewish historian, translated by William Whiston.
  • Martin Luther's 95 Thesis -The historical 95 theses that  Martin Luther nailed to the door of the Church in Wittenburg. Each of these  speak to Luther's desire for people to look deeper into what it means to be a  Christian.
  • The Early Church  Fathers -Ten Volumes written before A.D. 325. Also Referred to as the  Ante-Nicene Fathers.
  • The Old Testament Apocryphal Writings - These texts are books  included as part of the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament), but  not included in the Hebrew Bible. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches  include all of the apocrypha (except for the books of Esdras and the Prayer of  Manasseh), but refer to them as "deuterocanonical" books. These same books,  books of Esdras and the Prayer of Manasseh, are referred to by Protestants as  the "pseudopigrapha."
  • The Life and Times of Jesus -By Alfred Edersheim (1825 -  1889)
  • Sketches of Jewish Social Life -By Alfred Edersheim (1825 -  1889)
  • The  Temple - It's Ministry and Service -By Alfred Edersheim (1825 -  1889)

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