Sunday Morning Sunday School Hour 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM Choral Tapestry Rehearsal 5:00 PM Evening Worship Experience* 6:00 PM *first Sunday of the month/NMI emphasis *fifth Sunday - Open Mic Nite@SingSpiration Cafe- Sharing, fellowship and a great time in a relaxed setting.
Wednesday Evening Multiple group settings including 7:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
NYI (Youth Group)
Combined Adult Study
Children’s Wednesday Night Group
We want to extend a very special invitation to you and your household (whether, one or a dozen) to come and be a part of the excitement being created at East Side Church of the Nazarene.
Mattoon East Side 2129 S. 9th St., Mattoon, IL 61938 217-258-6519